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How To Dispose Of Dead Batteries

When your rechargeable battery is dead, and it's time for a new one, what do you do with the old battery? Do you throw it to the garbage? It may be OK when it comes to most of regular, single-use batteries. But rechargeable batteries should be definitely recycled. Go on reading and learn some important information about how to properly dispose of your dead batteries.

With so many electronics in your house, powered by various battery types, you may wonder how to properly get rid of the batteries when the time comes. The most suitable option for this task can vary based on what are the batteries used for. You should treat the batteries in your TV remote differently from the rechargeable ones in your laptop or digital camera since they could be both hazardous and illegal to throw away, depending on what country or region you live.

Single Use Batteries

Single used batteries are the most common household batteries. The may come in various sizes including AA, AAA, 9V, D-cell and others. They typically power your TV remotes, flashlights, children's toys and other small portable electronics. Nowadays, single-use batteries are made of metals deemed non-hazardous by the federal government and can be disposed of in your regular trash. Most alkaline batteries manufactured since 1996 are made of relatively non-hazardous materials, and can be tossed directly into the garbage.
However, some countries or states still prohibit throwing regular batteries to the trash. Thus, in California it is illegal to throw away absolutely all types of batteries. Prior to the mid-90s, single use batteries contained mercury, which is highly poisonous.

Rechargeable Batteries

There is no doubt here that rechargeable batteries must be recycled. They contain nickel and cadmium, which can create an environmental hazard, if the batteries are thrown away in a landfill or an incinerator.

The rechargeable batteries are widely used in household and can be found in mobile phones, digital cameras, laptops, and other powerful electronics. Is is illegal to place any kind of rechargeable batteries in your trash, as they contain heavy metals which can be hazardous to the environment.

Can you recycle batteries at home? Proper recycling is almost impossible at home. It is terrible idea to dispose of batteries in a fire — they tend to explode. So please do never try to experiment with this.

How To Recycle Batteries

The best option for you is to collect your dead batteries and to take them to a local recycling facility or or an electronics retailer that recycles batteries. They have special equipment that will grind the batteries into three different products; a paper, plastic and brass fraction, a steel fraction, and a zinc manganese concentrate. In most cases, this is free of charge service.

Batteries and any other types of waste which could potentially contribute chemicals to the environment, should be handled with care, especially when it comes to disposal. So please take care of the environment – dispose of batteries safely.


Воскресенье, 08 сентября 2019 07:32:19


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